The municipality's faulty headline: "Doing the environment a disservice"

The municipality of Jönköping intended to promote electric cars and other vehicles in billboards, but due to a proverbial mistake the meaning became the opposite.

- I thought "My God, how embarrassing", says informant Anna Grönlund.

It was for Jönköping's road user week that the municipality wanted to get more people to think about starting to drive electric or hybrid cars. The message was spread, among other things, on a sign with the following message:

‟Do both you and the environment a bear favor!”

The only problem is that the meaning of the expression ‟bear favor” is a well-intentioned act that has negative consequences.

This copywriter mistake has made people chuckle social media. Even at the municipal hall in Jönköping, people are laughing at this blunder.

- We sang ‟The Bare Necessities" song from the Djungle book in the hallways a lot today. It's on everyone's mind," Anna continues,

‟we question where it went wrong, what does bear favor mean? This is a bothersome mistake. Unfortunately, this message still ended up on a poster about electric and hybrid cars. Of course, you can do both yourself and the environment a favor by exchanging your regular car for an electric or hybrid car. But leave the bears at home!”

This mishap will now be investigated.

- There was probably someone here who was in too much of a hurry and didn't have time to think. I think everyone could have made the same mistake under time pressure, says Anna Grönlund.

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