National Campaign against online pedophilia - This shouldn't be here - Brazil

To encourage people to report pedophilia , Lew Lara\TBWA Brazil placed children's underwear in the racks of adult (sexy) underwear in lingerie shops and department stores. The underwear carried a tag with the text: "This shouldn't be here, but some people pretend that they can't see it" and was signed "report pedophilia

Jaques Lewkowicz, Executive Creative Director
André Laurentino, Executive Creative Director
Victor Sant´Anna, Creative Director
Manir Fadel, Creative Director
Braulio Kuwabara, Creative Director
Felipe Luchi, Creative Director
Pedro Rosa, Art Director
Ivan Teixeira, Copywriter

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(Probably not the best place to admit that I buy kids undies. How else could I have Hello Kitty panties?)