Need More Space? Levi's® lazer etched jeans is for you. (Japan)

Running out of space due to too many tattoos? Levi's® Japan panders to the target market of over-inked people with laser art etched jeans! This campaign is fresh out of BBH Tokyo and was shot by over-inked Simon Harsent.

Larger image of "man" here

Larger image of "couple" here

Larger image of "woman" here

Agency: BBH Tokyo
Seiya Yamada (Designer)
Simon Harsent (Photographer)
steve elrick (Executive Creative Director)
Graham Kelly (Creative Director)
Yohey Adachi (Art Director)
Graham Kelly/ Satoko Takada (Copywriter)

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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caffeinegoddess's picture

Shame they couldn't have come up with some different headlines for the different ads.

Dabitch's picture

Bah, headlines? This is all art direction - even the product insight.

caffeinegoddess's picture

True, but it doesn't mean that they couldn't have varied the lines. S'all I'm sayin.

ChelleFire's picture

When are these jeans going to be available to buy in the USA??

Dabitch's picture

I don't think they ever will be, but you can buy them online ad have them shipped.