NFL - Tu Pasion

Everyone knows how passionate Latinos are about futbol. Now the NFL wants to see how they feel about football. They're asking for user-generated ads.


We all know many passionate football fans and the NFL is looking to specifically recognize some fans for their special passion and interest in the game.

Hispanic and Latino fans of the NFL have a chance to show their team spirit and win prizes during the NFL’s new promotion called Tu Pasion.

Between now and November 22nd, Hispanic and Latino fans can upload pictures and videos showing how they support their favorite team and illustrating their passion for football.

Then, on December 2nd the top 25 passionate fans will be announced and everyone will then have a chance to vote for the top 5.

The Grand Prize is a trip to the 2010 Pro Bowl in Miami. The other finalists will each receive a $500 gift certificate from the NFL Shop.

Click here for the contest rules and to upload your video. You can also check out the pictures and videos that have already been submitted.


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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

Oh dear, all I got after clicking that link was: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/tupasion/public_html/include/spot.php:42) in /home/tupasion/public_html/los_mas_recientes.php on line 183
. I'm supposed to find something much more interesting there right?

Also, "Futbol"? When did that word get invented? :))