No sweetie, this super sucking Tampax commercial is not a real ad.

I don't know why everyone insists on asking me of this ad is real.

Can't you just look at the shoddy production values, the misplaced "humor" and take an educated guess? Then I saw that other blogs, such as giggle sugar for example, are posting this ad with a straight face as if it was a real ad, and understood why someone would want to confirm.

No it ain't a real commercial. It's a JOKE people. Let it go.

Unless of course you want to tell Tampax there's a viral video out there draining (hehe) their trademark of positive vibes. Then there's also the new cynicism, where shoddy production values are 'faked' in order to slip a risqué commercial under the radar. Man, its confusing these days ain't it?

On the Metacafe site, where this little film is posted it's described as "In this commercial Tampax demonstrates how their latest product is even more absorbing than before."

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