Carlton Draught - Big ad - (2005) 0:60 (Australia)

It's freaking HUGE!

Agency: George Patterson Partners
CD: James McGrath
Copywriter: Ant Keogh
Art Director: Grant Rutherford
Production house: Plaza Films
Director: Paul Middleditch
D.O.P: Andrew Lesnie
Post production: Animal Logic

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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AnonymousCoward's picture

Wow. Perfect.
After tonsof similiar bud ads, it floss my mind about beer commercials.
Once again, perfect.

Dabitch's picture

Fess up, who rated it "4" bringing it's score down? :)

kikohattorihanzo's picture

Wow! It's a re-ediction of the '89 spot of British Airways under a different light: enphasys vs. paradox ! Great!


blad's picture

yes, "made by beer" i can picture the creatives developing this big idea over a few icy cold ales...bloody excellant mate, i love it...the biggest and best ad ever!