BBDO Düsseldorf GmbH Gives Starbucks Customers Extra White Smile

BBDO Düsseldorf GmbH was asked to increase awareness for Extra White from Wrigley's with a minimum budget. Their solution was a round sticker, which was positioned under the coffee cup that gave all drinkers an "Extra White" smile. The result was surprised faces, stolen cups and a significant increase in sales during the promotion.

Agency: BBDO Düsseldorf GmbH
Art Director: Patrick Hahne, Milena Hirschochs and Jan Buchholz
Copywriter: Elias Kouloures
CD: Sebastian Hardieck, Marie-Therese Schwengler

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Dabitch's picture


malkie66's picture

That's funny! I can see a whole series here. Did they only use that one horsey-looking mouth?

caffeinegoddess's picture

We were only sent in images that used that one mouth. Guessing since they were on a budget, it was cheaper to print only one set of stickers.

Dabitch's picture

....or they just had one cup and everyone in the office pose.

Not that I'm cynical and distrustful or anything. ;)

Hygge's picture

That's true for 93.7% of the award winning virals though.

Still, I think it is a very cute idea. And it will win awards (Not at the ADCD though, they blocked entries that only ran for award festivals)