Mcdonald's - Extra large coffee - Sweden press

DDB Stockholm did this double page press ad for McDonald's extra large coffee currently running in Swedish papers. Creds go to the creative posse Andreas Dahlqvist (Creative Director), Simon Higby, Martin Lundgren, Ted Mellström and Viktor Arve (all "creatives" rather than art or copy).

See also: McDonald's Big 'n' Juicy Burger "Giant napkin" poster and the McDonald's Big 'n' Juicy Burger "Giant napkin" double page spread.

DDB Stockholm

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Wendall's picture

Rather subtle. Took me a few seconds to notice it.

kurtberengeiger's picture

For a one-off advert, it's not bad. Not bad at all.

Wendall's picture

Probably works better as a one-off. The only other version I can think of is a gigantic grease stain for the Big Mac.

Dabitch's picture

Oh just you wait, there's more where that came from. I just posted the giant napkin poster. :))

Wendall's picture

Guess I spoke too soon. Perhaps they will do a giant grease stain ad (I somehow doubt it, though).