Huggies Pull-Ups - Big Kid and the Throne of Destiny (2008) :30 (USA)

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Dabitch's picture

Cute. But by the time kids hit the big throne they're in cotton underwear. Save the planet.

Andreas-Udd's picture

You are SUCH a MOM!

Dabitch's picture

Oh shoot, totally ruining my image.

RLDavies's picture

Schools in the UK are beginning to complain that a lot of children are starting school without being fully toilet-trained, sometimes not at all. We're not talking about the occasional "accident", which has always happened from time to time, but perfectly healthy five-year-olds turning up at school in nappies.

One of the main reasons (apart from lazy parents) is that modern nappies are too comfortable, even when wet. The old-fashioned ones provided an automatic discomfort incentive for the child to want to stop using them. Children simply aren't bothered about being in the new ones.

God, I'm so glad I don't have kids.

Dabitch's picture

This is why we used cloth diapers, kids potty train earlier when they know what's going on. Well that, and the whole diapers don't biodegrade thing. The preschool she's at does not want to allow children to switch to potty in the middle of winter (getting them undressed is such a hassle for them) which really pissed me off, as it confused my daughter to be diaperless at home but in diapers at the school causing all sorts of trouble and delaying her natural choice by at least six months. So we took a week off and went to visit grandma, in cotton undies on the 6 hour train trip and all so that my girl would realize that indeed, she can do it. Back at school she was seriously offended when they offered her a diaper "Those are for BABIES!"

ah screw it my image is shot to hell anyway - yes I'm a MOOOM.

Allan1's picture

Sure, you're a mom. But you still are considered a MILF! (No disrespect intended). :-)

Andreas-Udd's picture

So basically, you think the ad is OK but the selling strategy/product is off?

Dabitch's picture


Either you expand market share, or you expand the market. Guess what this ad is doing?

Saying words like "kid" when you mean "toddler" or "baby" is a sneaky way of creeping in social acceptance on having "kids" in diapers when really toddlers should stop wearing diapers. Big kids don't wear diapers. Also, they don't go on the throne unless there's a neat step for them to get up on, and a toilet trainer lid to prevent them from falling in but the absence of such devices might have been planned to reinforce "kid is four years old" (even though the toddler in this ad clearly isn't) ie; physically large enough to sit on a grownups porcelain throne.

(full disclosure, I've argued about these semantics with a multinational company we all love to hate when I worked on diaper accounts many many moons ago when I was a non-mom. Don't for a second believe that a word is chosen on a whim in advertising. I firmly believe that things like these delay potty-training in this generation as it has become socially acceptable to have diaper babies for years. Back in the sixties this carried a huge stigma for the mothers of children who still had diapers after the age of two, which back then was considered extremely late.)

Andreas-Udd's picture

I bet P&G haaaaaated you.

Dabitch's picture

I bet you're right.