Oberto Beef Jerky - Jump the Pier - (2008) :30 (USA)

Ground Zero Los Angeles want you to quit being a sidekick. Eat like an alpha. "We wanted to exploit a timeless dynamic between alpha males and their sidekicks. It’s an age old relationship and it was a perfect fit for our target," says Curt Detweiler, Partner and Executive Creative Director at Ground Zero.

Curt Detweiler : Executive Creative Director
Curt Detweiler : Creative Director
Mike Bokman, Emily McDowell : Art Director
Jimbo Embry, Dan McCormack, Jason Rappaport : Copywriter
Michelle Price : Agency Producer
Cory Berg : Producer
Darko Suvak : DoP
Director : Randy Krallman
Production Company : Smuggler

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Do I want to be like the asshole on the right? I don't think so.