NOVA FM - Funk - (2008) :30 (France)

Do the funky animation dance!

Agency: Young & Rubicam Paris
"Les Six", Creative Director
Jessica Gerard Huet, Art Director
Jean_François Bouchet, Copywriter
Director: Geoffroy de Crecy
Prod. Co. : Partizan
Music : Fusky Shammy, "My Shammy Six"

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alex's picture

C'est bon. Where does that tagline come from, by the way - invented, or somone else's quote?

Dabitch's picture

I think it's original to this campaign, but it feels familiar because it's true? (disclaimer: wild guess.)

alex's picture

You're probably right. It just sounds like something George Clinton might have said. Damn, I wish I'd worked on this campaign.

Dabitch's picture

Oh yeah, me too. And I haven't had "campaign-envy" in quite a while.

alex's picture

Yes, that's about right. It feels like the chance has gone for good because some other bugger's done it. Curses!

caffeinegoddess's picture

C'est magnifique!