NYAGV - #DisarmTheiPhone (2015) :60 (USA)

BBH Interns are always doing something for a good cause (do they ever work on any other paying clients?) and this time they're worked with New Yorkers Against Gun Violence (NYAGV) to bring you this film - a film that asks iPhone to get rid of the gun-emoji. Because out of sight out of mind? I'm not sure I follow the logic here.

Not sure what will happen when the iPhone is unarmed and us badass Android owners still carry an emoji-gun but if we ever end up in an emoji-Rap-text duel I'll win. The NYAGV have written an open letter to Apple, and made it easy for you to tweet Tim Cook from their website. Leah Gunn Barrett, NYAGV Executive Director, said, “The gun emoji has taken root in our culture and our digital conversations. Let’s all call on Apple to get rid of the virtual gun and publicly join our call for universal background checks on all gun sales.”

Client: http://nyagv.org/
Ad agency: BBH New York

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