Old Spice - Raven - / Giant Bird - (2010) :30 (USA)

NFL's Ray Lewis is the hero in this Wieden + Kennedy, Portland spot for Old Spice as he jumps onto a giant bird decked out in nothing but foam. Directed by Steve Miller.

And that bird? Clearly a homage to the old Pocari sweat ads with Cindy Crawford, like the Giant Bird ad and maybe a stylistic nod to Dragon battle because that's just weird as well.

Bonus trivia: the Animatronic Raven was built by Rick Lazzarini at The Character Shop
Lather Costume: Rick Lazzarini/TheCharacter Shop
Puppeteers: Rick Lazzarini
Debra Smith
Russ Herpich

Client: Old Spice
Agency: Wieden + Kennedy, Portland
Production Company: Radical Media
Director: Steve Miller
Mark Fitzloff (Executive Creative Director)
Susan Hoffman (Executive Creative Director)
Eric Baldwin (Creative Director)
Jason Bagley (Creative Director)
Craig Allen (Creative)
Eric Kallman (Creative)
Jeff Scruton (Executive Producer)
Ben Grylewicz (Agency Executive Producer)
Neil Shapiro (DoP)
Lindsay Reed (Agency Producer)

Line Producer: Pete Vitale
Editorial Company: Rock Paper Scissors
Editor: Carlos Arias
Assistant Editor: Aaron Morris
Post Producer: Juliet Batter
Post Executive Producer: Carol Lynn Weaver
Post Executive Producer: Cassie Hulen
VFX Comapny: The Mill
Lead Flame Artist: Ant Walsham
Flame Artist: Tara DeMarco
Flame Assists: Jodi Tyne
Flame Assists: Aaron Neitz
Flame Assists: Shane Zinkhon
Flame Assists: Gavin Camp
Flame Assists: Christal Hazard
VFX Producer: Arielle Davis
VFX Executive Producer: Sue Troyan
Music and Sound Design Company: Stimmung
Sound Designer: Gus Koven
Producer: Jack Catlin
Executive Producer: Ceinwyn Clark
Mix Company: Lime
Engineer: Loren Silber
Assistant Engineer: Lindsey Alvarez
Producer: Jessica Locke
Film Transfer Company: CO3
Colorist: Stefan Sonnenfeld

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omerosen's picture

I don't know what they are advertising there but I bought the idea of riding a crow.

Neo's picture

This is not funny. #fail

tytunio's picture

Too much.

andromeda's picture

Maybe it would have been better with less foam?