Pantene - Paris Lees / Hair identity (2019) :60 (UK)

"Pantene is working with the transgender and non-gender conforming community to increase awareness on the power of hair and advance its mission to create better hair days for everyone. Whatever hair you dream of, Pantene stands with you."

This explains why there is a shampoo ad with someone that has, frankly, rubbish looking hair. Usually, Pantene ads have models with hair so perfect it looks unreal. Even when they have famous actresses, their hair will be so perfectly done you'd think they sold bottles of magic potion. So in that sense, the ad fails miserably. Paris' haircut and style are fine for anyone, but it's not Pantene sheen levels of gorgeous that one expects in an ad. 

Client: Pantene

Director: Jens Löfgren (House of Radon)

Production: House of Radon

Director of Photography: Viktor Kumlin

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Lisa jones's picture

Please refreain from using men to celebrate womens day. This is insulting to women. Were are 50 percentage of the population. Shame on u