Partnership for a Drug Free America - Orphan - (2006) :30 (USA)

Agency: The Buntin Group Nashville
Agency: The Buntin Group ­ Nashville
Client: The Partnership for a Drug-Free America
ECD: Jeffrey Buntin Jr.
CD: Pat Harris/Buddy Jackson
AD: Mike Brooks/Jake Swartz
CW: Jake Swartz/Mike Brooks
Agency Producer: Tracey Davis
Production Company: Green Dot Films
Director: Michael Patterson
DP: Rebecca Baehler
Executive Producer: Rick Fishbein
Producer: Barry Fink
VO: John Warren
VO edit: John Warren Productions
Sound Design: Russ Long, Jimmy Abegg
Transfer/Color correction: Company 3 ­ Venice, CA
Editorial company: Filmworkers - Nashville
Editor: Philip Herring
Motion Graphics: Blue Tractor Design

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