Pepsi Max "Live for now" (2013) 2:50 (UK)

Pepsi wants you to Live For Now. So they got English magician Steven Frayne, better known as Dynamo, to levitate next to a double decker bus that was branded with Pepsi Max: #LiveForNow. And just in case you weren't aware, it also ends with Dynamo drinking the beverage, too.

Over-branding aside, apparently onlookers were still excited to witness it. Or at least the ones carefully edited into the case study.

And while a good magician never reveals his secrets, if it's anything like this similar trick done by a german performance artist, we already have a good idea how he did it.

Agency: Arnold KLP
Client: PepsiCo
Creative Director: Andrew Watkinson
Production Co.: Inner Circle
Director: Alex Hartman

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Dabitch's picture

Of course there's a trick such as a metal contraption arm holding him attached to the bus while his own arm is inside the clothes. Still a very neat feat on a moving bus in a city, and very dangerous so I'll be impressed either way. Plus, my favourite part of magic is the illusions, that really looks like he's holding on to the bus and I don't care that all my logic is telling me he isn't. I don't even care that they never film his arm as he 'lets go' either.

kidsleepy's picture

I'm jaded when it comes to selective reaction shots. Even if it is an amazing trick it still feels forced. But then case studies always do.