Quiet Glover exclusive interview with the Heineken suicide ad creators.

Hey kids, I'd like to direct you to Quiet Glover, a french adblog, where they've done an interview with the people behind the Heineken Suicide advert. Quiet Glover says; "L'interview est en Anglais, je ne réaliserai pas de traduction afin de garder le message intact" and I'm so happy about that because yikes does my French ever le suck.

The Heineken suicide advert was made by Melissa Lissone, Alexander Kaan, Nina Aaldering & director Wouter Stoter @ Comrad for an Assignment of the Hallo Academy for Applied Creativity. As usual, nobody knows how it ended up on youtube. They must have special magnets there that suck up all the worlds ads and films that nobody uploads.

Did you imagine your work will be such a buzz on the internet?
No. It wasn't even supposed to hit the internet. We were surprised ourselves to see it on Youtube, because we're still working on a serie of virals. this was just part one and two. So, more is coming after the summer.

Via The Denver Egotist

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madamrobot's picture


qg-writer's picture


the Quietglover's link is broken, maybe you should replace it?

thanks for your attention anyway :)

Dabitch's picture

Oh drats, how did I manage that? Fixed now, thanks for pointing it out. :)

qg-writer's picture

It's a pleasure!

Dabitch's picture

Here's version 2.0 - nice slam on Grolsch