Reboot gossip with Björn from Site-9

I bumped into Björn Ognibeni last night at Reboots pre-boot drinkie thingie. We gossiped a bit about the fact that the Ogilvy lying bullshit buzz crap back in feb still drags up Björns page where he outs the Ogilvy buzz marketing as a top ten hit on Google.

We blogged about the poster here too, before following Björns tip realizing that indeed we'd been had by an Ogilvy employee. It wasn't so much that we got a tip about a neat poster that bothered me, it was that they pretended to not be from Ogilvy when they were. Why pretend? I like writing about ads! It's what I do. What a silly mistake to make.

Björn told me a fun story about his recent post on the lame Audi A4 campaign, which is the usual twist of a long flash-film personalized to show your name at the end. (Audi did the same thing for the sportsback A3 last September). Björn had a few gripes with the ad-site, and said so in his post - which attracted the attention of Peter Riley who worked on the campaign and he commented in Björns blog. It's always interesting when the people behind a campaign that you are writing about comment, we agreed.

As for the reboot social brew thing, get used to the fact that there are cameras everywhere these days. I glanced at flickr during lunch and whaddyaknow, if anyone was killed last night I have an alibi.

Hugh Macleod, Dabitch, Raymond and a few more people
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