Reynolds Wrap & Tiny Hamster celebrates 4th of July (2015)

"Tiny hamster has a 4th of July BBQ with friends, a pool party, burgers, kebabs, tiny grill, and fireworks finale." aaaaaaaw!

Now why are we showing you a clip created by Havas Worldwide Chicago in partnership with >Denizen? Because it's actually sponsored by Reynolds Wrap, the second brand to sponsor a Tiny Hamster video, and they did it with tiny Reynolds Wrap, the only foil made in the USA. This is where your youtube influencer sponsor budget is going, kids. God Bless America.

Jason Peterson: Chief Creative Officer
Ecole Weinstein: Group Creative Director
Shelby Georgis: Creative Director
Matt Bush: Copywriter
Lisa Evia: Group Account Director
Kevin Passolt: Account Director
Matt Hartwig: Project Manager
Production: Denizen Company

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kidsleepy's picture

Remember when ad agencies used to come up with their own ideas?

P. Panea's picture

Yes. These days they are more like dating agencies between poor content producers and clients.