Roots Canada "150 years of being nice" (2017) 1:00 (Canada)

Clothing store Roots Canada celebrates 150 years of being nice in this spot to celebrate Canada's 150 birthday. That's 150 years of Canadian moments throughout the century and a half that demonstrating how nice Canadians have been to their people, to others and the world. Canada, was nice in giving us John Candy and Dan Ackroyd. In being the 4th country to legalize gay marriage to breaking the color barrier in hockey with Willie O'Ree to creating Greenpeace to welcoming in Syrian refugees. Nice? You bet. Humble? Nope. This is chest beating with a capital C.

Agency: The Garden
Client: Roots Canada
Creative Director: Shane Ogilvie
Design Director: Omar Morson
Art Director: Rosalinda Graziano
Writer: Erin Beaupre
Project Cultivator: Jessica Lax
Strategist: Shari Walczak
Strategist: Zoe Sparrow
Executive Producer: Melanie Lambertsen
Producer: Renee Desousa
Editing: Brett Erina, Saints Editorial
Audio: Chris Tait, Pirate Group

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