Russian man goes mad beserk in office = Viral for the movie "Wanted".

Last week's question has been answered: Anyone care to guess what this is an ad for? Russian man goes mad berserk in office.

The mystery has been solved. Timur Bekmambetov Punks the World With Viral Video reports Cinematic - who even gives us a rough translation of the Cyrillic on Timur's LiveJournal.

Those fearing that their cubicle neighbor might engage in similar hysterics can breathe easy -- it was all a sly bit of viral marketing from Timur Bekmambetov for Wanted. He revealed the stunt over on his personal blog, where he allegedly had a good laugh at the gullibility of the West. I'm not seeing any geographic mockery here, so quite possibly he took that down.

I guess this means my gut instincts that were yelling "FAAAAKE" as soon as I saw it were right. Good to know that my fakedar still works. *taps fakedar* Yuuup. Good fakedar.

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