Saison card - Use your head" - (2014) :30 (Japan)

Meet Rina Tekada. She looks adorably classy in a pink dress and heels, while tossing her pearls to the side. Presumably so that you can clutch them instead, because you will soon see her special skill. She studied karate since she was ten and is ridiculously good at... eh.. Using her head.

Which brings us to the advertiser, Saison Card who has a new UC Card with less interest. Or something. I don't know, my head hurts.The line says; "It depends on how you use your head. It depends on how you use your credit card, too."
The styling is impeccable, the sound gives me goosebumps, and oh Japan, how I love your advertising cremé de la cremé. It's so perfectly surreal.

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