Santa Got Hacked 3 Can Christmas be saved (2015) USA

Norton finds "Santa got hacked" - the naughty & nice list is gone has all three ads embedded.

Or you can see also part two and part one.

Client: Norton by Symantec
Sr. Director of Global Brand and Campaigns: Kathryn Kane

Creative Agency: Grey, San Francisco

President, Grey SF: Milan Martin
Chief Creative Officer: Curt Detweiler
Creative Director: E Slody
Art Director: Alexandra Anderson
Writer: Emma Brooke
Agency Producer: Julie Costanzo
Account Team: Will Egan (SVP Acct. Director), Christine Cote (Management Supervisor), Genevieve Grey (Acct. Supervisor)

Production Company: Slim Pictures

Director: Jason Headley
Executive Producer: Tom Weissferdt
Line Producer: Gary Kout
Director of Photography: David Myrick

Editorial Company: Beast SF
Editor: Bob Spector

Music: Alibi

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