Should DDB still be ad agency of the year? Yes, since the WWF approved the ad.

WWF Did approve the offensive sept 11 ad.

WWF Brazil has subsequently issued statements that have raised doubts about whether the ad concept was approved at some level within the WWF Brazil organization.
We have now re-launched a renewed inquiry into the circumstance surrounding the creation of the ad. Additionally, we are using every resource at our disposal to remove these images everywhere they exist online because they are hurtful and disrespectful to the victims of 9-11 and their families.

DDB Brazil won the Ad agency of the year award in Cannes this year, for having the highest score for entries in the Press, Outdoor, Film and Radio Lions sections, irrespective of whether these have been entered by the agency or another party.

This hubub - if it turns out that WWF did not approve the ad, kind of calls that award into question.

Then one wonders how many of those ads awarded were approved by the client.

DDB Brazil agency of the year
DDB Brazil agency of the year
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As I wrote before, it is well known that many Brazilian agencies troll for ad awards by entering somewhat dubious advertisements that may--or may not--have actually aired or appeared in print. I know some that will buy time on a small cable network just to run it once or twice and claim it to be real.

I'm guessing these guys pitched this idea, had it rejected buit loved it so much they decided to proceed with it, client be damned.

I hope it bites them in the ass big time.