Skittles today: all facebook, all the time. Skittles tomorrow : Wikipedia?

Even though I did say on Monday that "Skittles learns the hard way that social media can not be tamed", I do not subscribe to Mashable's theory which reckoned that "Skittles Swaps Homepage from Twitter Search to Facebook Page" because of the bad Skittles jokes that were filling the search stream.

No, I think Skittles are doing the full Modernista! instead of the full Monty and we can expect to see Twitter's logo float on top of any other user generated website tomorrow. Currently taking bets on Wikipedia 20:1, Youtube search 10:1.

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Neo's picture

If there was any doubt that had no shame in ripping off , it's gone now.

@zbgoodwin's picture

The implementation was definitely flawed — as evidenced by the racial slurs that they let slip in — but, overall, this was genius. Genius — and extremely cheap. Best post I’ve read on the whole thing thus far:

Another thing they should consider for next time: they didn’t grab relevant Twitter handles before launching. Now, @skittlescandy ( belongs to someone who is not a delicious, rainbow-colored candy.


qeinnc's picture

Well they certainly gained a remarkable deal of free promotion. I suspect we'll be seeing much moe of this kind of tactic.

Neo's picture

But will it make us taste the rainbow?