Snickers - NOUGETABOUTIT Snacklish poster campaign, USA

Snickers wants to teach the world to sing in.. "Snacklish".

“By taking SNICKERS core equities like its unique ingredients and satisfaction, we are reminding our consumers why they love SNICKERS so much,” said Carole Walker, vice president, integrated marketing communications for Mars Snackfood US. “‘SNICKERS Speak’ takes that to the next level by marrying SNICKERS core equities with the passions, interests and things in our guy’s everyday lives to make the brand even more relevant.”

To kick it off, they've created all these posters with new words. Or is that snickords? TV commercial will follow this as well as digital.

Some sample ‘SNICKERS Speak’ creative include:
• “Satisflying” billboards featured in airport arteries, as well as taxi’s with GPS enabled digital tops showcasing “Satisflying” when they are waiting at airports.
• “Put Your Hunger in a Nougaplex” that will run as :05 TV bumpers during wrestling programming.
• “Get a Degree in Snackanomics” placed on a variety of OOH executions in local market financial districts.
• Digital billboards that will change creative to match the time of day, such as “3 ’oclockishment,” which is the time of day when SNICKERS are most often consumed.
• A national television campaign that features visual dramatizations of euphemisms, including legendary music icon Master P inviting viewers to “Get Some Bling With Master P-Nut,” and basketball legend Patrick Ewing explaining how to ”Get Dunked on by Patrick Chewing.”

Out-Of-Home Campaign:
TBWA/Chiat/Day New York
Chairman & CCO:
Mark Figliulo
Creative Director:
Rob Baird/John Matejczyk
Art Director:
Dave Sakamoto/Brad Wood
Jonathan Marshall/Ryan Ebner
Executive Producer of Media Arts:
Matt Bijarchi
Director of Print Services:
Evan Curren
Pre Production Company:
Printer: Circle Graphics
Media Agency: MediaVest & Kinetic

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