"Music makes the home", based on a true insight - speaking as someone who doesn't like silence in my house - Sonos brings us a few celebs talking about music in their house. "We focused on the transformative effect music has on people when listening out loud together" says Sonos. From this I am supposed to glean that Apple Music is now partnered with Sonos and this is why Anne Clarke from St Vincent is in the ad. Or something. Don't get me wrong, having an indie rock band dad play with his daughter, like Matt Berninger from The National does in this ad, and Killer Mike from Run The Jewels dancing with his whole family is certainly showing me different types of musicians loving music at home - but nobody can be surprised that musicians listen to music at home.
Visiting the hub website musicmakesithome.com doesn't give me much more than great looking gifs of Anne Clarke winking and more clips, it's the same celebrity driven fly on the wall idea that we could have seen for any other brand. It's the same celebrity-driven dreck that 72andSunny have made their signature style - name one ad they've done in the last 5 years that didn't have a celeb in it. Are we expanding market here, Sonos, rather than expanding your market share? Is that what you were going for? Because that's what you're doing - you're telling me that music in my home is great, and I know this to be true. You are not telling me why Sonos specifically should be the one to deliver that music.
The connection with Apple is insubstantial as presented here. I have no idea why Apple is in this. You can spy on the other (also non-celeb) Sonos homes here and see how people in Stockholm and Berlin are reacting to the Sonos & Apple music, or you know, the music in their house. The selected families are as carefully curated as the celebrities, but this doesn't do much other than bring us more clips.
This ad will broadcast tonight during the grammy awards, so I'm sure some music fans will be happy.
Ad agency: 72andSunny
Client: Sonos