Southwest Airlines - Getting the Band Back Together (2015) :30 (USA)

The boys are back in town! These guys may be middle-aged, corduroy-wearing, latte-sipping dads but with tickets at low prices they can put the band back together. In the suburbian garage they can rock their rock star moves and relive the garage band glory days. Pleas stay in the garage, guys.

Agency: GSD&M
Client: Southwest Airlines
Title: Garage Band
Launch Date: 4/28/15
President: Marianne Malina
Chief Creative Officer: Jay Russell
Sr. VP/Group Creative Director: Brent Ladd
Group Creative Director: Lara Bridger
Creative Director/AD: Nikki Baker, Kate Griffiths
Creative Director/Writer: Leslie Shaffer
SVP Production: Jack Epsteen
Executive Producer: Marianne Newton
Senior Producer: Natalie Lum Freedman
Business Affairs: J.J. Gaines
Account Leadership: Adrienne Walpole, Amy Lyon, Kate Rutkowski
Project Management: Elizabeth Stelling
Experience and Insights: Jennifer Billiot
Production Company: Smuggler
Director: Jun Diaz
Producer: Alex Waite
Editorial Company: Beast Editorial
Editor: Ben Ellis
Graphics: Beast
VFX Supervisor: NA
VFX/Online: Jim Reed
Audio: Pony Sound
Engineer: Corey Roberts
Music Supervision: Hum Music
Music: Thin Lizzy’s “Boys Are Back in Town” licensed from Universal Music Group

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