Spotify launches "Dance like nobody's paying" campaign that annoys unpaid musicians.

In another chapter convincing us yet again that Spotify really hates musicians, these ads almost seem to antagonize on purpose. Spotify's big lie is that streaming habits mirror purchasing habits, but these days streaming revenue is down by half. The only solution to this is to get more streamers, and Spotify is now running this campaign giving a month free in hopes of attracting new customers. Musicians are reading the campaign completely differently. Musicians are noting that they, indeed, do not get paid, making the headline "Dance like nobody is paying" a slap in their faces. 

Others are making fun of the campaign from a completely different angle -  

Spotify's payout model has long been heavily criticized by musicians and tech workers alike, The Ringer even goes so far to wonder if it's wiping out the middle class. While musicians struggle, sue, and settle, Spotify claims it actually overpays musicians and are demanding refunds. 

So by all means, dance like nobody is paying, but know that when you do that, nobody is getting paid either.

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This is still being debated on Twitter.