Staples "The Wall" viral

With the help of Eyewonder , McCann Erickson and Staples have unleashed a micro site for the brand. The Wall includes a commercial, game, and fortune cookies, as well as a behind the scenes section.

The spot is pretty good and follows along the theme of there's no easy button for the real world. The game, well, it's just plain addictive. They nicely tie-in coupons for Staples products depending on your score.

SuperAdgrunts, see the commercial here:

The fortune cookies are alright, but they're nothing all that new. Then again, the basic idea of the game isn't either (reminisant of the Yeti games). Still it's a nice viral effort.

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suddenwaffle's picture

Is it really 'viral'? What makes it 'viral'? We use that term so loosely.

caffeinegoddess's picture

I believe the game part was. Lived on it's own special site, no where near the Staples url. There's send the game to friends, compete against friends, etc which made me think that they are hoping it would be viral...whether or not it ended up being is a different story I think.