Stones Telling Stories - the Online Holocaust museum - (2012) Germany

"Instead of bringing young people to the memorial stones, we brought the stones to the people. We let them stumble online. We placed the stones as banners for users to stumble upon. You could find the stones on Google Maps and on Google StreetView you could see the actual house out of which the person had been deported. We planted street posters in Germany cities that reminded people to keep their eyes open for Stumbling Stones in the pavement. And through an iPhone App users got access to further information like biographies, personal memories and photos. Thus we made the stumbling experience more tangible and revealed unique stories behind every name – because that´s what people will remember."

ad agency: Jung von Matt
Jan Rexhausen : Chief Creative Officer
Dörte Spengler-Ahrens : Chief Creative Officer
Alexander Norvilas : Art Director
Eric Van-Den-Hoonaard : Art Director
David Wegener : Copywriter
Raphael Brinkert : Managing Director
Benjamin Wenke : Account Manager
Sara Teckenberg : Account Manager
Slaughterhouse Gmbh
Editor: Jessie Fischer
Editor: Hendrik Smith
Colours: Benedikt Hugendubel
Animation: Lars Wemmje
Producer: Philipp Breidthardt

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