Stopping advertising to save money, is like stopping your watch to save time.

Seems everywhere we look, massfirerings are happening. 10% of the danish advertising professionals have walked to their offices for the last time. W+K have slashed staff worldwide.
In Stockholm the freelancers gang is growing to critical mass. Large agencies in the u.s. calls staffers to the friday meeting ("we feel, it's better to fire on Fridays") as morality sinks to mimic the agencies golden cow account tagline, like a Rock.

All agencies are feeling the burn of shrunken budgets and pulled campaigns. Everyone speculates in the return to mediocre (thus "safe") advertising to not offend anyone or anything in a dizzy political climate.

My mailbox is suddenly flooded with fired stories due to cutbacks.

How's your end of the land? And where do you think this will take advertising?

Meanwhile, all I have to say is:

"PLEASE ADVERTISE" - I photographed this in the Bahamas, for those who asked.
Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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