Super Bowl XLII Commercials - Fourth Quarter

And now the pizza has been eaten, the empties are everywhere, and the ads have aired. The Giants have beat the priorly undefeated Patriots. Some of the more memorable and mentionable spots of the quarter include Coca Cola for "It's Mine" and "Jinx", along with Bud Light's Semi-Pro spot with Will Ferrell, if only for "Bud Light. Suck one."

Sunsilk - "Monroe, Madonna & Shakira" - :30 - Nice art direction and design. Shame they didn't have the rights to use something other than stock.
Agency: Desgrippes Gobe, Paris/BrandThinkTank
The first Super Bowl spot for the brand will feature Madonna, Marilyn Monroe and Shakira with the theme "Life can't wait" and urges women to "make your hair happen". The ad will direct viewers to (AKQA is the digital agency) which goes live February 1st. Song snippets of each star will include "Ray of Light", "I Want to Be Loved By You", and "Whenever, Whatever."
Superadgrunts, see the spot here.

Coca Cola - "It's Mine" - :60 - Nice CGI. Fun and "on brand".
Agency: Wieden + Kennedy
The "Coke Side of Life" spot is set in NYC during the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. As the Coke bottle balloon enters the parade, well-known character balloons vie for the bottle. In the end a surprise "underdog" is victorious.

Coca Cola - "Jinx" - :60 - Nice way to do a political ad and nice play on Carville and his relationships with Republicans (like his wife).
Agency: Wieden + Kennedy
Ad features former GOP Senate leader Bill Frist and Democratic operative James Carville. Coke Zero ride their Segways and share a coke and a smile.
Superadgrunts, see the spot below.

Toyota Sequoia - "Crazies" - :30 - Blah. Trying too hard to be "edgy" and "hip".
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, LA
Director/Production: Jesse Peretz, RSA or Lance Acord of Park Pictures, NY
This spot will launch the Toyota Sequoia sport utility and will be "more emotional and family focused" than the Corolla spot airing in the 2nd quarter.

ETrade - "Baby 2/Clown" - :30 - Yes. Clowns are creepy. So are talking babies.
Agency: Grey, NY
The spot demonstrates how easy it is to buy stock's so easy, a baby can do it. - Hey that's very like Geico! ;)

Taco Bell - "Hola" - :30 - Meh. Typical Taco Bell spot really.
Agency: Draft FCB, Irvine, CA
The ad features two guys rushing through an office to a lunch meeting carrying their Fiesta Platters when suddenly they’re stopped by a Mariachi. The Mariachi says their meeting can wait and encourages them to sit down and enjoy their meal. Two other Mariachis who bring out a table and chairs in the middle of the office for the workers to sit down and begin to play music. A female office worker walks by and asks what’s going on. The Mariachi looks up, and says “hola.” The girl later lets down her hair and responds with “hola!” The ad creative was handled by Draftfcb in Irvine, California.
Superadgrunts, watch the spot below.

Gatorade - "Dog" / Mans best friend - :30 - I cannot believe this ran. Could it outrank GoDaddy as worst spot of the year? Bet they're hoping for watercooler chatter based on the fact that it was so weird (in comparison to the other ads).
Agency: Should be ashamed of themselves.
Dog drinks from a bowl...for about 27 of the 30 seconds. At the end there's a shot of the Gatorade line of products.

Bud Light - "Semi-Pro" - :30 - Best line of the night? "Bud Light. Suck One"
Agency: DDB, Chicago
Will Ferrell in his Semi-Pro shooting a commercial where his character talks about how he drinks Bud Light.

Hyundai Genesis - "Tomorrow" - :30 - Is this the first spot to recognize USA Today Ad meter?
Agency: Goodby Silverstein & Partners
Spot titled "Tomorrow" will promote their new luxury car - Genesis - and will have a narrator comparing it to other cars in the "same class" (ie. Mercedes & BMW). Ends with Hyundai logo and "Think About It" tagline while Mr. Narrator says, "We're not sure what USA Today's Ad Meter will say about this ad. But we're pretty sure Mercedes, BMW and Lexus aren't going to like it."
Superadgrunts, see the spot below:

Victoria's Secret - "Valentine's Day" - :30 - Ok. Typical for the brand. What else is there to say?
Agency: In-House
Director/Production: Michael Bernard, cYclops productions, NY
Back in the game after a 10 year hiatus, the ad is part of the brand's Valentine's Day marketing efforts and features Victoria's Secret Angel Adriana Lima and a football.

AMP - "Tow Truck" - :30 - Props for using "Push It"
Agency: BBDO
Tow-truck driver attaches jumper cables to his nipples and chugs an AMP while "Push It" plays in the background to get a stranded driver's car going.

Well, gang, it was fun! We'll see you next year. We'll be posting the spots throughout the night for all you Superadgrunts to enjoy. As usual, we'll be adding them to our collection of Super Bowl commercials that span from 1969 to present day.

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payote's picture

Coca Cola - "It's Mine" - :60 -

Lucy should have yanked the bottle away at the last second.

Dabitch's picture

Best thing about the Superbowl 2008: NO GILLETTE!