
Klarna - The 4 Quarter Cowboys / Maya Rudolph (2021) :30 (USA)

The four quarter-sized cowboys, all played by Maya Rudolph, ride into the Three Amigos set, and spot a pair of boots they want to buy.
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DISH Hopper - DISH Anywhere / Tiny Beer (2013) :30 (USA)

The bostonians bring their TV anywhere they want, and with it comes a wee living room, a teeny fridge, microscopic beers and twee nachos that are stil

S M & V - Trains - your choice - (2010) election film

The coalitions between The SocialDemocrats, Miljöpartiet (the green party), and V (left party) show two trains choosing different directions for Swede

Mentos - Bus - Fresh Air (2001) - 0:15 (USA)

Mentos - Bus - Breath Huggers (2001) - 0:15 (USA)

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