Tekken 8 reinvents the face-off moment in combat sports in epic blockbuster ad by BETC Paris

In combat sports, the face-off between the two fighters has become a most-anticipated moment bringing the tension to the max before the inevitable fight. But what if anybody could join ?

That's the premise of “Get Ready for the Next Battle”, a new incredible live-action trailer for TEKKEN 8, the upcoming title in the TEKKEN video game franchise that celebrates its thirty-year anniversary in 2024. Bandai Namco Europe and BETC Paris worked together on this brand-new live-action trailer for TEKKEN 8.

In the action-packed film, two fighters about to compete against each other face off in front of a row of journalists and onlookers. In a surreal turn of events, the moment then goes wild and suddenly becomes a worldwide affair with a huge crowd wanting to join in on the action. Increasingly, people of all ages, nationalities, backgrounds take part in this incredible face-off.

The face-off reproduces in real life the iconic loading screen before a fight in the game for the upcoming launch of TEKKEN 8, the brand-new entry in the legendary TEKKEN franchise, which brings the fight to the new generation and introduces the most thrilling experience yet with a roster of 32 new and returning characters along with 16 battle stages and a new immersive story featuring next-gen gameplay and innovative game mechanics.

The blockbuster ad also includes cameos from former World's Strongest Man, Hafthor Bjornsson (who played The Mountain in HBO's Games of Thrones), and also from legendary figures of the TEKKEN professional esports scene: Arslan Ash (Pakistan), Gen1us (France), KingJae (United Kingdom) or Sephiblack (Germany).

Michel Melhem, EMEA Digital Marketing Director at Bandai Namco Europe, says: "I am delighted that we managed to bring the excitement and the tension of TEKKEN 8 into this spectacular live-action trailer that brings together players from all over the world and expresses their collective desire to compete, fight, and have fun."

This live-action trailer was produced by General POP and directed by Lukas Tielke with a soundtrack scored by independent musical artist LA ROSA.

The campaign will launch on January 15th. It will air in various countries around the world on TV, Cinema, Display Out Of Home, as well as on social media platforms.

The next episode of the TEKKEN 8 franchise, that sold 50 million units worldwide since its creation, will lauch on the 26th of January 2024.

Campaign: The Face Off
Advertiser: Bandai Namco
Brand: Tekken
Brand Managers: Michel Melhem, Etienne Viriot
Ad Agency: BETC Paris
Agency Managers: Mathieu Laugier, Camille Caucat, Hugo Lesieur
Chief Creative Officer: Stephane Xiberras
Creative Directors: Benjamin Le Breton, Arnaud Assouline
Art Director: Rayhaan Khodabux
Copywriter: Julien Sens
TV Producer: Fabrice Brovelli
Production Company: General POP
Producer: Jacques-Etienne Stein
Director: Lukas Tielke
Executive Production Company: TA Production
Sound Company: GUM
Sound Producer: GUL
Musician: La ROSA
Title: Born To Win (writte and composed by Pacome Denime)

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