Tesco- "New Friend" -2011- Malaysia

In April, Tesco Malaysia launched its “Quick Q” campaign at all its 39 stores nationwide. The campaign was part of its initiative to aggressively reduce queuing time for customers at its check-out counters.

It involves a green-line in front of the checkouts that makes it easy to see when more checkouts need to be opened.

If a queue extends beyond the “green-line”, the Tesco Quick Q traffic controller will open another checkout and guide its customers to the new checkout counter.

Agency: BBDO Malaysia
Production House: Luminous, Malaysia
Director: Brad Hogarth
ECD: Richmond Walker
Copywriter: Farah Bianca
Art Director: Sharin-shazlina
Agency Executive Producer: Hong Nyok Hwa
Agency Producer: Jan Teoh
Account Manager: Junisa J Sidek
Production EP: Karen De Silva
Producer: Brenda Lee
Production Design: Bryan Nys and Chee Kong
DOP: Alvin Lee

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