Thinking inside the box - 3M ads fill posters with real money.

3M recently completed an amazing poster-stunt in Vancouver, Canada. They prepped a bus shelter ad with a 3M product called Scotchshield, a see-through film that you can apply to glass which makes it near bulletproof, and filled the postersite with lots of play money, and 500 real Canadian dollars for good measure.
After that they could just sit back and watch the mayhem.....

As passers by did their best to put the Scotchshield to the test, kicking the glass, taking sledgehammers to the glass and going all sorts of crazy over it, the glass withstood the pressures and did not budge. It did not break, it could not be broken. Shame one can't say the same about the aluminum frame which was breached, at that point security guards called a time-out as that was cheating. Canadian local and national news shows reported on all the crazy attempts to get into the poster for the cash, all in all 3M got a lot of press for their money - remember there was only 500 real dollars in there and a single poster site was rented for only one day.

Agency: Rethink Communications, Vancouver
CDs: Chris Staples, Ian Grais
CW: Bryan Collins
AD: Rob Sweetman
Typographer: Leanna Crawford

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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AnonymousCoward's picture

Funny, the bus shelter was located right outside Rethink's office

Even funnier, this was done to gain the account

all wish we thought of that

Delakando's picture

Drive truck with large bumber up to glass. Make sure bumper is up to glass then drive forward until display is either ripped out of ground or shattered. Walk away with money.

Reality's picture

Are you an idiot? 3m Makes bulletproof glass and that's what this is, not some magic film that makes any glass bulletproof.

kidsleepy's picture

A.) If you bothered reading this post then you'll know this is an ad that was done for Scotchshield, which is in fact, something called window film. Go on, look it up.

B.) You're commenting on a post that is 8 years old.

C.) You're posting angry comments about window film.

And you're calling us the idiots?

jay's picture

you sir,just made my day.