Tim Hortons / Gulf News - Headline News on coffee cup sleeves - (2012) UAE

Tim Hortons and Gulf News, the UAE's leading English daily newspaper, teamed up to create something quite.. timely shall we say? When do you read the news? Over your morning coffee of course, but these days we don't sit at the breakfast table and read a large paper-newspaper, we're probably half-way to work grabbing a fancy brew along the way. Tim Horton prints out coffee sleeves at the point of sale, that have freshly updated news-tweets on them, all coming from the Gulf News twitter account. There's even a QR code on the sleeve that takes you straight to the twitter account in case you want to follow them. Tim Hortons adds an extra value twist to their brew, while Gulf News get more readers. Win win for two Y&R clients in one quick print. Clever.

Ad agency: Y&R

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