Time Out Shanghai - The Stolen Phone Tour - (2013)

Ah... Yet again we have a hidden camera prank played on the supposed unsuspecting public (and not paid actors, or friends of the production team, nope)... This time there's a lost phone on the ground and the person who picks it up.. or "steals" it, gets a fantastic tour of Shanghai, the best hidden gems, the best food, the best bars, the best nigh-clubs... Wow! How fun the be the lucky one who finds this phone! And while that all shows off Time Out's skill in finding the best bars, hidden gems and surprising street food, the hidden camera thing is getting a tad long in the tooth. What a delightful coincidence that the two ladies who found... "stole"... the phone had the entire day off and no qualms at all about stepping into a London taxi going to wherever. It might be entertaining, but it's preaching to the converted.

Time Out

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