Time Warner Cable "Revolt" (2013) :45 (USA)

Nothing says revolution like a multi-million dollar hip-hop mogul teaming up with a behemoth of a cable company. Mom is not impressed.

Agency: Ogilvy, NY
Executive Creative Director: Tommy Henvey
Copywriter: Holden Rausc
Art Director: Lisandro Ancewicz
Executive Agency Producer: Patti Mcconnell
Producer: Garrett Crabb
Production Company: Prettybird
Production Company Location: LA
Executive Producer: Ali Brown
Producer: Leora Glass
Director: Paul Hunter
DOP: Jeff Cutter
Production Designer: Kristen Vallow
Post Production Company: MassMarket
Post Production Company Location: NY
Executive Producer: Louisa Cartwright
VFX Producer: Giselle Bailey
VFX Supervisor(s): Andy Jones, Brendan Fitzgerald
Lead 3D Artist(s): Brendan Fitzgerald
Lead Compositor(s): Drew Downes, Susanne Sharping
3D Artist(s): Brendan Fitzgerald, Andrew Cohen, Dave White, Ieva Sauciunaite
Compositor(s): Drew Downes, Jamie Scott, Susanne Sharping, Aska Otake, Warren Paleos, Brendan Fitzgerald
Editorial Company: Crew Cuts
Editorial Company Location: NY
Telecine Company: CO3
Colorist: Stefan Sonnenfeld

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So, I can revolt with TWC. I only do that when their services suck. :P