Tirendo - The Impossible Ride with Sebastian Vettel - (2015) (Germany)

Q: What happens when you film a sports car racing in reverse and then play it backwards? A: It looks cool! And a bit surreal as everything else moves the wrong way. This spot shows this phenomenon in an unprecedented drive with Sebastian Vettel. Under the motto “Wrong direction? Right tyres.” the four-time Formula 1 World Champion becomes a skilled reverse driver who never loses control during his racing manoeuvres.

Matthias Meusel, Managing Director at GREY Berlin says, “For the new Tirendo spot we wanted to show Sebastian Vettel as a highly skilled driver, as usual, but staged in a completely new and extraordinary way.” Dirk Busse, Managing Director at Tirendo adds, “With our new spot with Sebastian we not only want to attract even more attention for our brand in Germany but also on the international market – and I’m sure that we will succeed with this spot from GREY Berlin.” Sebastian Vettel: “I’ve rarely had this much fun driving backwards.”

The spot was produced together with Czar Berlin and director Maximilian Erlenwein. Sound design and music are by Mokoh Music Berlin.

Responsible at GREY Berlin:
Matthias Meusel, Managing Director
Jan Lucas, Executive Creative Director
Achim Weber, Executive Creative Director
Oliver Handlos, Executive Creative Director
Stefan Notthoff, Account Director

Responsible at Tirendo:
Dirk Busse, Managing Director

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