Toyota reinvents everything, except the gratuitous bikini-girls in super bowl ads

Toyota Camry reinvents everything with a sneaky smirk. The reinvented baby doesn't poop. The reinvented plant fights crime. The reinvented rain makes you skinny. The reinvented curtains are made out of pizza. The reinvented blender plays Lionel Ritchie (warning, I might commit suicide with that which would get very messy)... and the reinvented couch is a bunch of bikini-clad babes. Oh but wait, it also "comes in male" which is greeted by a shrug from the apartment owner. Nothing makes gratuitous bikini-gals go down as easy as gratuitous bikini-guys. Wait, that came out wrong. Errr....

This is the 30 second edit that airs in the Super Bowl. Toyota Camry 2012 Big Game 30 Commercial - Its Reinvented.

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