UK's ten most irritating ads last year

The votes are in - in the UK, the ten most irritating ads have been "chosen" by the consumers who watch them.

Apparently, no one can bear the annoying "go on, go on, go on" Mrs Doyle from the Inland revenue tax ads, but wish she would just go away go away go away...
Two in five people questioned in the Adwatch poll, conducted for Marketing magazine, said they could not bear the advert.

(read more for top ten list and add yours)

In second place came that chocolate-obsessed woman who can't throw parties quite as cheesy-kitch as the famous ambassador for Ferrero Rocher ...

And not surprisingly, the orgasmic woman barrister who lets down her hair in the Clairol Herbal Essences shampoo ads with the words: "I've got the urge... to 'erbal", is annoying as hell.

Jamie Oliver wears his gloria slightly slanted after reaching the top ten list himself with his campaign for Sainsbury's.

The 10 most irritating TV adverts in the UK.

1 Inland revenue
2 Ferrero Rocher
3 Clairol Herbal Essences
4 Halifax
5 NatWest
6 McDonald's
7 Sainbury's
8 Maybelline
9 Campino
10 Nivea for Men

What were the ten most irritating adverts in your country (or in your mind) and why?

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