University of St. Arvin Website

New website for Kraft Easy Mac Cups. Features an interactive video area where you can make this college guy eat a bunch of stuff.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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AnonymousCoward's picture

Heh bit disgusting moments like getting coke-ashtray and drinking from it or getting noname bottle from little fridge and drinking what's in it...

aiiobo's picture

The subservient chicken style "eat anything" dude was kind of fun, I made him eat fishfood hoping he would eat his goldfish.
I only wish that Stinkfoot had written a little more about this site so I wouldn't be clicking blind, but I know it's your first post so, slack is cut. By the way stinkfoot, do you have any idea who did this viral? Credits are always interesting. Might it even be you/your place of work?

Dabitch's picture

Sometimes comments can save a post too. :) Also this was cryptic enough to make me click.

stinkfoot's picture