Va Va Voom: Renault drops advertising in *all* News International titles

Brandrepublic reports that Renault extends ad boycott to all News International titles.

In a statement today, Renault said: "As a result of the seriousness of the continued allegations of phone hacking by News of the World, Renault is reviewing its media advertising plans, pending the formal investigations. We currently have no advertising planned in any News International press titles in the immediate future."

Way to show Ford how to be real class, Renault. They might have been the first brand to walk away, but they just moved their ads to NoTW sister paper the Sun.

The company said it would work with alternative media instead, including papers in the News International group such as The Sun and its website.

We may not be able to define what Va Va Voom is, but we know it when we see it.

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