Volkswagen - What if you only need part of a Volkswagen? (1962) printad (USA)

What if you only need part of a Volkswagen?

You're in luck.

Parts of Volkswagens are easier to get than whole ones.
Any part. For any year.

That's the nice thing about making the same car year-in and year-out.

You can spend your time fiddling with the insides instead of the outside.

We've made some 3,000 improvements
in our little car and hundreds of them fit our oldest models, too.

(Did you know you can get parts for a 15-year-old VW faster than for some of the new jobs around?)
Volkswagen parts are also easy to in- stall. For instance, our fenders are bolted on. (10 bolts do it. So you don't have to replace half the car.)

And the whole engine can be replaced in an hour and a half.
Of course, as you think about this, you may prefer to get all Our new parts at once. We have such a package.


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