Volvo "Feeling Good" (2015) 4:00 (Sweden)

Swedish artist/producer Avicii and Volvo Cars have got together to rework the classic song Feeling Good. Fun video, great song with vocals by Audra Mae.
The film was shot in Stockholm and in Osterlen, southern Sweden, some meaningful places for Avicii. It also features friends, family, and the new Volvo XC90.
It's an interesting strategic tactic for Volvo, shedding its "safe but unexciting" skin and going full on luxury-for-EDM-Artists.

Client: Volvo
Agency: Forsman&Bodenfors.

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Nicolette ashby's picture

Ad is just great

Dabitch's picture

TRIVIA: Like me, Avicii doesn't have a drivers license - which prevented neither one of us advertising cars.

Hawg's picture

That's not the same song as in the commercial. At least it's not the same version of the song. THe one in the commercial is so much better

Dabitch's picture

That's not the what now? You realize that The Avicii remix of Nina Simone's "feeling good" was created specifically for this ad? Not sure which version of "Feeling good" you're comparing it to. Muse's? Michael Bublé's?

Tammy's picture

A very small segment is used in the commercial. It's the same version. Watch the video all the way through and you will see (and hear) the very few seconds used in the video.

AnonymousCoward's picture

May I get the music track?