VW still promising to sue the VW polo suicide ad creators

More on that volkswagen polo "terrorist" advert, dubbed the suicide bomb which might be fitting in more ways than one. Stephen Brook at The Media Guardian has found the director Stuart Fryer who claims the ad cost maybe 400 pounds, not 40 thousand pounds to make, and that it was only intended to be on thir showreel.

"I just wanted it for show reel purposes, not seen by millions of people around the world. I don't want to offend people, I just want to make advertisements. I wanted to show it to the Saatchis and BBHs of this world.

Meanwhile, VW is gearing up to follow through on their worldwide promise, sorry threat, to take legal action against the creators of this ad Lee and Dan.
"We are prepared to pursue the two individuals but need to locate them to ensure the success of our legal claim," the VW company said in a private memo that the MediaGuardian.co.uk got a hold of. In other words, they haven't found Lee and Dan and thus have not done anything yet, but when they do anything other than just talking to the press, we'll let you know.
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caffeinegoddess's picture

Hmm. Perhaps they went into hiding or something. Strange since the MediaGuardian and you were able to get a hold of them. I'd think someone at BMP DDB would have their business card or something.

caffeinegoddess's picture

There's an update on the MediaGuardian - Stephen Brook reports that Volkswagen will demand a formal apology by the end of the week, if it can find them. They are hoping to find them by the end of the day. Considering today is Wednesday, that's not much time.

Paul Buckett, the head of press and public relations of Volkswagen UK, said the company may seek damages from the pair.

"Our main concern is that it is perfectly possible, although we have denied it, that members of the public may think that Volkswagen was linked with this terrible advertisement."

He said VW's main goal to get the makers of the film to issue a public statement but added that it was also considering pursuing a claim for damages.

"We will also request that the statement say that they will never again infringe the Volkswagen registered trademark. We will also be requesting that they hand over the original material."

"If we don't get a response we will instigate formal legal proceedings."

"Dan", one of the creatives of the fake advert and who refused to reveal his surname, said today he had no comment to make about the Volkswagen action.

The enterprising pair have even retained the services of a PR man, who is touting interviews with the duo around the media.

Harry Cymbler from Hot Cherry PR, which works for the viral agency DS Emotion, confirmed he had agreed to work with the pair but that he had not met them in person and had only exchanged emails.

And so the VW viral soap opera continues...

Dabitch's picture

It gets funnier, at Bloggerhead today the posting here quotes you Caff, also, I just love the fact that he reveals Lee and Dans last names, dangit (Lee Lockwood and Dan Brooks for those who didn't know), and links to googles cache of the "viral" ad posted under "viral" (that is how you had to navigate to it) on Lee and Dans site. Gotta love it.