Walmart "That's Texas" (2017) :30 (USA)

With a poem "That's Texas" written by Whitney Montgomery and a voice over by Friday Night Lights actor Kyle Chandler, this stirring testament to the survivors of Hurricane Harvey comes from Walmart. It uses real in -the-moment images from the devastation that ravaged Houston, and environs, and the Texas spirit that prevails. "Bring it, Harvey," is a really nice rallying cry. WalMart keeps this a tribute with a simple line at the end: To the Lone Star State, you are not alone. And a thank you to the impressive twenty-five million plus dollars that people raised for Harvey relief through Walmart. Good job keeping the focus on the people who matter most: the victims, and those who dug deep to help.

Client: Walmart

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Lorraine 's picture

I knew I recognized Kyle Chandlers voice! Great commercial.

AnonymousCoward's picture

How much of the money raised was wasted on the commercial so Walmart could publicly pay itself on the back? Not cool, Walmart. You've lost my business.

AnonymousCoward's picture if you were a Walmart customer to begin with, and not part of the progressive intelligentsia that despises Walmart, and the regular people who shop there.

kidsleepy's picture

This commercial used still images. It didn't cost a lot to make at all.

Jeanie Potter 's picture

That's my husband on the right in black pulling the victims to safety! So proud of him and his friends that helped save the people of Houston!

Dabitch's picture

> How much of the money raised was wasted on the commercial

The money raised for Harvey relief was used for hurricane relief, as stated. The commercial came from Walmart's advertising budget. Like Kidsleepy says; still images + voice-over is the cheapest possible way to create an ad. The time is a regular 30 edit, meaning Walmart can replace their regular ads that they already bought air-time for, with this ad instead, just for now.