Webby's Peoples Voice Awards

Okay, I'll admit that I have a personal interest in this posting, as one of the blogs i'm involved in is up for a webby and therefor eligible for a peoples voice award...
The People's Voice Awards (and the listings of all the webby nominees) can be found here:

You need to be registered, so if you haven't yet done so, it will prompt you upon clicking the link below.
This link will take you straight to our category if you're already registered and signed in.
Another easy way to get there is from the drop-down menu at the top right, just pull down to bannerblog and release.

Besides the self interested aspect of this, there is a WEALTH of great interactive on the site, and one could spend hours browsing them all...

The background:
I'm a co-editor of BannerBlog https://www.bannerblog.com.au - is the only blog focused on interactive advertising out there - or at least the only one big enough to get a nice stream of visitors and submissions from around the world.

Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

OOOh, and goodbysilverstein is nominated as well as my fave drug CUTEOVERLOAD. I signed in and voted! Care to return the favour in the bloggers choice awards where Adland is nominated? ;)

adverlicious's picture

Love your work, Phil, and your site got my vote ... but please know you're not the only blog focused on interactive advertising. May I correct the record?

My hobby blog, http://adverlicio.us, is an archive of online advertising with north of 4,500 ads from the U.S., Canada, Japan, England, Mexico, Korea, etc. By my estimates, that's ~6x the number of ads you have on your site, no?

I'm generally PR-shy, but Technorati suggests that I've directionally similar blogosphere popularity rankings. And Alexa, poor as its data may be, strongly suggests that my traffic exceeds yours in the United States. FWIW, Yahoo! seemed to like what I'm doing, as did the NYT. If not as large as you, my site is in in the ballpark :-)

Have you seen some of my site's recently archived ads from MSNBC, LowerMyBills, or Apple?

Best wishes to your site's success! And I look forward to your reciprocal support.

caffeinegoddess's picture

Voted already. Also another fave of mine, Design Observer, is also up for an award too.